welcome: Nathan Schönewolf

drawing: Shuree Sarantuya©

*Beginning at the KHM: What are the things you are most looking forward to and/or are excited about?

I am looking forward to the chance to perhaps get students excited about the vastness of the world of computer-generated phenomena, images and shapes. Especially in its possibilities to escape some concepts of fixed reality. Also interesting might be the possibility to reflect on the grind of this somewhat labour-intensive way of doing 3d art. Including the traps of content creation and its part in the online dopamine market.

* What is your artistic background? What are your main starting points in being an artist?

I started with hand-drawn animation and light installations. For me, the combination of craftsmanship and a curiosity for working with data and technology can come together in 3d animation and 3d sculpture. In a way that is not abstract or alien. It can be very close to me personally and to any other life and body. The exercise of putting algorithms into words and stories, and vice versa, interests me.

NathanSchönewolf_Diplomausstellung_Dokumentation_04_creditphoto_Thomas Lambertz
photo: Thomas Lambertz©

* Which three words would you use to describe yourself or your topics?

cant say forsure


The posts titled “welcome” present and welcome the new staff members of exMedia.

more about Nathan Schönewolf