soundings #017

soundings #017
Thursday, May 23, 2019
20:00, KHM Aula

Julia Eckhardt – The Second Sound
was schwingt mit, wenn etwas klingt?

How do life circumstances find their way into music and sound art? How
does music reflect historical and social structures? What does
discrimination do, and how can we navigate around it? Is the under-representation of women and LGBTQ people in the field a symptom or a cause? Is art itself gendered? And can it reflect the gender of its maker? Is a different way of listening needed to more accurately understand those voices from outside the historical canon?
Within a lecture Julia Eckhardt will give an introduction into the
processes that lead to the two publications The Second Sound und Grounds
for Possible Music. Although these books raise more questions than they
answer, they came to be a pledge for embracing artistic differences, for
the richness of contextual listening, and for honesty in the expression
of concerns and doubts. The responses seem to suggest that understanding
differences by theme and not as predetermination is a way to provide
freedom in a field of seemingly abstract art.

Julia Eckhardt is a viola player in the field of composed and improvised
contemporary music. After her studies she worked in different, mostly
contemporary, chamber music groups, and after this a couple of years in
the National Orchestra of Belgium. Since 1995 she is a founding member
of and artistically responsible for Q-O2 workspace in Brussels, which
was first an ensemble for contemporary experimental and inprovised
music, and became in 2006 a workspace for experimental music and sound art.soundings # is a series of concerts, performances, sound art and
expanded lectures produced by the sound department. Open to the general
public and free of admission, events usually take place at the KHM Aula.
Further information can be read here and at the Klanglabor.


soundings # is a series of concerts, performances, sound art and expanded lectures produced by the sound department. Open to the general public and free of admission, events usually take place at the KHM Aula. Further information can be read here and at the Klanglabor.