welcome: Tobias Hartmann

* Beginning at the KHM: What are the things you are most looking forward to and/or are excited about?
I am – coming from a primarily sound-focussed background – very much looking forward to get in touch with the multifaceted approach to media and arts at KHM. I experienced crossing borders of genre and styles and bringing together different disciplines by collaborations has always been very fruitful. So I am excited to hear the results of feeding some noise into the KHM circuit and listen to the output at the end of this new students-staff-labs-spaces processing chain.

* What is your artistic/scientific background? What are your main starting points in being an artist and or scientist?
When working with sonic events, sound, noise, music, … I am mainly interested in the process of realizing a certain idea, challenging occurring difficulties on the way and solving problems during the process of creating or performing sonic artworks. Within this approach I believe in the importance of art and science as deeply linked concepts of dealing with the unknown and unpredictable and gathering new insights and sharing results and outcomes.
Since studying Jazz piano and composition for electronic music, I am working in many different fields from playing live concerts to composing electroacoustic music for concerts or movie soundtracks and creating interactive audio-visual installations. Right now I am focussing on doing research on the terminology of sampling and playing electronic bass music live with a DAWless instrument setup.

* Which three words would you use to describe yourself or your topics?
play electroacoustic music – do research – love sampling


The posts titled “welcome” present and welcome the new staff members of exMedia.

Further information can be read here.