welcome: François Roche

photo: NewT  / Thailand / the Land 2002 / Hybrid Muscle

* Beginning at the KHM: What are the things you are most looking forward to and/or are excited about?

… the beginning as a discovery of talents, escape lines, biotopes, heterotopia…

* What is your artistic/scientific background? What are your main starting points in being an artist and/or scientist?

I’m an architect, who did maths , philo… and Art Scene apparatus, in the confusion of niches.
I developed since the 90ties a synesthesia through speculative practice and operative fiction, at the meeting point of ecosophy, biopolitics, computation, robotic, gender studies where texts, exhibition, postures, are symmetric to fabrication, shapeless and self organization processes.

* Which three words would you use to describe yourself or your topics?

curiously curious of the curiousers (seems three words in one)


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