soundings #014

soundings #014: arts birthday 1.000.056
Thursday, January 17, 2019
20:00, Kulturkirche St. Gertrud

experimental music workshop of the KHM and Peter Behrendsen (as guest)

Every year in January, the birthday of art is celebrated, which the artist Robert Filliou dated 1963 to one million years before his own birthday on January 17 and which has meanwhile developed into a worldwide networked celebration of homage to art. This choir also includes the experimental music workshop of the Klanglabor of the KHM, with its own pieces as well as the performance of John Cage’s “Rozart Mix” with real tape loops and Alvin Lucier’s “Chambers”. These works were developed in a workshop with Peter Behrendsen, who has often worked with Cage and Lucier. As guest of the evening he will also perform his piece “Vespers for a Single (A. L. dedicated)”, which activates the acoustic properties of a room by means of impulses.

On the same day and place the performance “Crystallization ” by Paula Pedraza, winner of the KHM-advancement price for women artists 2018 will take place at 5 p.m. at the end of her three-part series “Advent of a haunt”.

Peter Behrendsen studied dramatics, german philology and sociology and has self-taught in electronic music. In the 1970s and 80s he was a member of Josef Anton Riedl’s ensemble. As a long-time employee at the WDR radio play studio / Studio acoustical art he was involved in the realization of groundbreaking acoustical art, for example with John Cage “Roaratorio – an Irish circus about Finnegans Wake”. Peter Behrendsen regards John Cage, Alvin Lucier, Jackson Mac Low and David Tudor as his most important influences, with whom he has worked several times


soundings # is a series of concerts, performances, sound art and expanded lectures produced by the sound department. Open to the general public and free of admission, events usually take place at the KHM Aula. Further information can be read here and at the Klanglabor.